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Citation and Citation Styles

One way to avoid plagiarism is to properly document your sources using in-text (parenthetical) citations and including a "Works Cited" (Bibliography) page included the paper.

citation is a way of giving credit to individuals for their creative and intellectual works that you utilized to support your research. It can also be used to locate particular sources, hence combating plagiarism. Typically, a citation can include the author's name, date, location of the publishing company, journal title, or DOI (Digital Object Identifier).

citation style dictates the information necessary for a citation and how the information is ordered, as well as punctuation and other formatting.

There are many different ways of citing resources from your research. The citation style sometimes depends on the academic discipline involved. You will need to consult with your professor to determine what is required in your specific course.


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Citation Style Manuals

Citation Generators

Note: Use citation generators responsibility. Be careful, even though they may be a helpful; sometimes the citations are incorrectly formatted.  Also, please consult the appropriate official citation style manual.