Before you begin researching for your paper, you must first begin researching for a topic. This is the most important step in your research because it guides your decision making into the subsequent steps of the research process. Here you will find resources to assist you and give you pointers.
When you are looking for a topic to write about, begin with thinking about something you find interesting or care about. Through choosing a topic you’re interested in, it will become easier to write and search on the topic. If you're required to focus on a certain subject, focus on areas you feel you can write about. If you feel there is not an area you can focus on, come up with different topics related on that focused subject. Through those different topics search and see what has the most sources you can use to write with.
Start by brainstorming some potential topics to explore further.
After you have chosen your topic, it's also a great idea to explore the databases listed on this page to formulate your research question. Try narrowing down the topic by specifying who, what, why, where, when, thinking about specific groups of people or populations, age groups and regions. This will give prepare you for the next step, your thesis statement.